Friday, February 8, 2008

Enter the Next...

Hi ya everybody! So this is my first 'official' blog entry of my brand new bloggie! This isn't my first blog but... yeah. I doubt anyone remembers my little old blog that I used to have. This is now officialy the new home of Dovienya.

I have big hopes for my blog. First, I hope it will help me be not so crazy by being a 'creative outlet' for my various neroses. Secondly, this shall encourage me to once again attempt to hone my skills as a web designer. Big money here I come XD

As you can see my layout still needs a bit of tweeking but I figured, what the hell, let's start posting. Soon I shall fill the pages of this blog with my wonderful insites into small town living and crazy super geekiness. Until then, enjoy Fuu. Ain't she a cutie?

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