Sunday, February 17, 2008

So, my parents got back from Hawaii today and they got me a pretty cool hat. I'm stoked for the hat... but I wanted a rock damn it! I made a video blog about this, but it hasn't uploaded yet so yeah. Maybe I'll post it here, maybe not. Not sure yet... we shall see people!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Last night I forgot to log off my computer, so I was logged into MSN all day. Not a big deal, except I found a lovely little 'love' letter from my ex when I came home today.

We only went out for like, 2 or 3 months and we broke up before New Years. Why he likes to continue to send me these little notes is beyond me. I'm getting quite the collection of them, actually. I threatened to take them to the cops and charge with him harrasment so now he's sending them from his friends account.

Damn, that's a little imature, eh? LEAVE ME ALONE.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Death to Vista!

Yippie! I am so ultra excited today. Why? NO MORE MOTHER FUCKING WINDOWS VISTA. Oh yeah, that makes me happy. NEVER EVER EVER INSTALL WINDOWS VISTA. It's a unstable piece of poo. You wanna know how much a piece of poo it is? My boyfriend has a brand new, Dell XPS laptop. These things are the best of the best, custom laptops designed sepcifically for gaming. You can not find a more powerful laptop on the market right now. And you know what? It won't play any games. Why? VISTA. It just like, randomly crashes them for no reason. -_- It's like stabbing needles into your eyes or watching Dora the Explorer on repeat.

On a happier note, I now have my new webcam! Yippie!! XD

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Hobgoblin will get you!!!!

Allrighty then. Last night got a little crazy. Sorry about the drunken blog post everybody (I say that as if someone is actually reading this).

So about a million things happened last night, and for the most part they were actually good. Creepy, I know. o_O Later when I've woken up I'll write a more detailed post about the more serious aspects of the evening but for now I'll keep things light.

I drank a new beer last night. Hobgoblin Beer. It's got like, this crazy goblin thing on the bottle. It's British. It came with a shirt. And it tasted yummie XD

I also got my henna tattoo. I'm very stoked about it. My darling Spilly drew it for me. In case your wondering the design is from the cover of Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey. It's an amasing series, go read it! Getting the henna tattoo was fun, except that it takes about a hour to dry plus the actual time it takes to draw it. This process probably would have gone better if I wasn't a) drunk b) entertaining a bunch of boys. I spent like 2 hours with my sweater covering my boobs! Needless to say, some wardrobe malfunctions occured.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Okie dokie now. It's Friday night so everybody knows what that means! PARTY! XD

Ummm... well, in my case it means having Andrew and my Spilly over. We do wild and crazy things. Right now Spilly and Andrew are on a adventure to find coolers. And me? I'm stuck at home waiting. Again. Bah.

Tonight I'm going to get a henna tattoo, which is super cool but not nearly as cool as the tattoo I'm going to get after tax season. Yippie for my pheonix ^_^

Hmmmm.... I don't have anything really interesting to put here so yeah... here's Spilly!


Enter the Next...

Hi ya everybody! So this is my first 'official' blog entry of my brand new bloggie! This isn't my first blog but... yeah. I doubt anyone remembers my little old blog that I used to have. This is now officialy the new home of Dovienya.

I have big hopes for my blog. First, I hope it will help me be not so crazy by being a 'creative outlet' for my various neroses. Secondly, this shall encourage me to once again attempt to hone my skills as a web designer. Big money here I come XD

As you can see my layout still needs a bit of tweeking but I figured, what the hell, let's start posting. Soon I shall fill the pages of this blog with my wonderful insites into small town living and crazy super geekiness. Until then, enjoy Fuu. Ain't she a cutie?